SAP SM19 add Filter
update the following parameter and restart sap.
SM19 Configuration Parameters
rsau/enable: Set to 1 to activates audit logging
rsau/local/file: Name and location of the audit log file
rsau/max_diskspace/local: Max. space of the audit file. If maximum size is reached auditing stops.
rsau/selection_slots: Max. number of filters
The settings are activated after the instance has been restarted.
update the following parameter and restart sap.
SM19 Configuration Parameters
rsau/enable: Set to 1 to activates audit logging
rsau/local/file: Name and location of the audit log file
rsau/max_diskspace/local: Max. space of the audit file. If maximum size is reached auditing stops.
rsau/selection_slots: Max. number of filters
The settings are activated after the instance has been restarted.